What can I expect in a Forrest Yoga class?

What style of yoga serves us in the 21st century?

Temperature 26 degrees.

Forrest Yoga was founded by Ana Forrest in 1982 and is a yoga class which is ever evolving to serve students needs today.

A class is made up of the below key practices to feel awesome.

Self-reflection practices

There is emphasis on how your feel mentally and physically for the duration of the practice.

Focus on abdominal practices

Forrest yoga works on the abdominal muscles you cannot see. This strengthening enables a yoga student to work towards inversions, forearm balances and back bending postures.

Breathing practices

There is development of functionality of the body and minds ability by using the breath.

Susie, Josie and Cal are all Forrest Yoga Teacher certified.

Forrest Yoga connects the breath with the body and brain

Forrest yoga simplifies connecting the breath with the core to take your self-development and practice to the next level

Book your Forrest Yoga class today